The Art of Fearless Experimentation

The Safety Paradox

Imagine this: you're standing at the edge of something amazing, and there's a safety net below. You know that net is there, so you jump. But did you really experience the thrill of the leap? Whether in life or in business, too much safety can stifle our creativity and limit growth. We've all heard of brands that played it safe, sticking to the same old formula while their competitors soared.

Remember Blockbuster? They had a chance to buy Netflix for a mere $50 million. They didn't experiment; they played it safe. Now, Netflix is worth billions, and Blockbuster... well, you know the rest.

Kodak? They were the king of photography. They owned the film market, and their name was synonymous with taking pictures. But then, the digital age arrived, and they were faced with a dilemma: embrace the digital revolution or stick to their film-based roots. We all know what happened there. 

Don't Fear the F-Word

Not the one you're thinking. 

Failure, the dreaded F-word, is often seen as the ultimate enemy in business. In the world of fearless experimentation, failure isn't a dead-end; it's a valuable lesson on the road to success. Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." So, the next time you experiment and fall flat, remember you're just one step closer to that "Eureka!" moment.

Any Coca Cola fans? Remember New Coke in 1985? Coca-Cola's decision to reformulate their classic soda recipe as "New Coke" resulted in a public outcry. Customers passionately disliked the new taste, and the backlash was so severe that Coca-Cola had to reintroduce the original formula as "Coca-Cola Classic" within a few months. 

Sure it was a massive marketing failure, but did it destroy Coke? They learned from the experiment and I'm sure value market research and customer focus group data much more now when considering launching any new product. 

The Unconventional Trailblazers

Picture this: a world where you can ride a horse into a luxury car dealership, listen to heavy metal in an elevator, or use a flamethrower to roast marshmallows. Sound like a crazy dream? Not if you're Elon Musk. He dared to experiment with Tesla's marketing by launching a Tesla Roadster into space, set his elevator music to metal, and sold flamethrowers to fund his tunnel project. Talk about shaking things up! 

Sometimes it's the craziest ideas and people with the most off the wall ideas that tend to disrupt the world. Now look we all can't be Elon. And we certainly can't compare ourselves to Tesla, Apple, or Nike. But we can learn from them. Watch what they do. Adopt some of that disruptive behavior in your own life, career, or business strategies. 

Being just like everyone else is precisely one way to not build a great or impactful brand. 

Small Steps, Big Impact

Don't feel pressured to do it all. 

You can start small and still make a big impact. Try new social media strategies, tweak your website, or create a quirky newsletter that speaks directly to your audience or topics that may interest them. The key is to keep experimenting, analyze the results, and pivot accordingly. 

Just because you make a move or try something new doesn't mean you have to stay doing that thing forever. 

Embrace the Unknown

The art of fearless experimentation isn't just about marketing; it's about mindset. And it's something I feel a lot of marketers get wrong. Or at least don't give enough weight to its overall impact. 

Marketing at a basic level is common sense. Yes it has strategy. Yes it requires analysis, and proper use of capital and resources to attract and convert. But in the end it's all about human behavior. 

It's about taking calculated risks, learning from your ventures, and embracing the unexpected. Don't be afraid to shake things up, break the mold, and discover what truly sets your business or brand apart. Your Purpose

And if you can't pinpoint exactly what sets you apart? 

Let's chat and explore how we can help build your brand and be a little more fearless in growing your business. 


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